Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fw: Blackberry

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-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 17:33:43
To: <>
Subject: Blackberry

So m posting this dream from my blackberry and guess what all of my dreams were about last night?
I don't really remember much just that I was in a ninja warrior wipeout type gameshow, and I was trying to get to the other side. Getting to the other side meant I had to fight a naked david hasselhof who was holding my blackberry hostage.... He was covered in whipped cream and was quite slippery to attack.
I don't really remember any of my other dreams, other than the fact that they were all some struggle for my blackberry.
Maybe this means I should lay off the blackberry a little... Hmm.... Nah

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Faking Sick Leads to World Destruction

The dream all started with my dad secretly coming up to me seeming very giddy. He asked me if I wanted to call in sick to work so that he could too and I could drive him places. I said sure. He told me to meet him at costco in their back room at 4 in the morning so we could avoid being seen by anyone we knew including our managers and then call in sick from there.

I met him there and we snuck around the night crew, very afraid that we were going to be caught by the night shift workers. We did stuff like hid underneath freight and moved it with us when we moved until we eventually got out the back door and into my dad's car (though I was driving) and we called our respective managers simultaneously to call in sick.

I was all afraid cause I havent ever called in sick without being sick before, and so I was afraid something bad was going to happen or my manager was going to find out somehow. All went well though, and that night I had dinner with Becca's family and my family. I then felt terrible, like I was getting the flu. At dinner, Becca's dad asked me how my sickness was treating me, because he had heard I'd called in sick to work. I sounded like I had a throat cold by the time I talked to him, so I was relieved when I said I felt like crap and it was believable.

I continued to get worse, so I went back to my condo to wait for wes and tyis to get there and play some video games. I was sitting at the condo door waiting in the hallway of the main building (our condo doesn't really have a hallway, this was like an apartment building) when my manager from party city walked by with another one of my old managers from Ross. I said hi and sounded like a frog, and my manager asked me how I was doing. I told her I was feeling terrible and that I needed to talk to her about needing more days off. She told me to talk to my other manager from Ross. I then found out that secretly, she'd been my manager all along. She told me of all these lies I'd been told and the truth.

Wes and tyis arrived, and I was feeling like I was sick to my stomach. I told wes that, and he said that all I needed to do was fart, and proceeded to fart humongously. Tyis agreed, and then he also farted humongously. I decided to give it a try. I farted, but my fart was this weird purple gas. My fart combined with the brownish gas clouds of tyis' and wes' farts, and it began to grow and mutate. We realized we needed to run, and we ran away as fast as we could. The gas cloud started to ooze a purple goo that caught wes and tyis though, and it sucked them up and covered them in purple goo globs so that it could use their brains to think.

The gas thing made itself into a giant warship and started to destroy the earth, sucking up smart people and using their brains as it went along for more brain power. Eventually, it became so massive that the air force and all our armies combined could do absolutely nothing to stop it. I was part of a group of final survivers, and the leader of this group sold the group out for a place of "brain power" (the thing was going to use his brain to think a lot). I was one of three last survivers then, and I had to go into it to find out how to kill it. It had a weird cloud-like and purple interior. However, when I got just close enough to figure out how to kill it, it realized I was there and it started enveloping me with its goo because it surprised me. I got eaten and I never learned what happened to the last human survivers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Short snippet

All I remember from my dream was that my iphone was messed up. My apps had rearranged themselves and I couldnt get them back in order even after I had done everything. I figured out that I was pretty sure that my iphone had a virus.

irl I woke up and realized my phone was making a weird sound, reminding me of an appointment that I had slept through.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


...had a dream that i dont want to talk about...


Living at Simpson with Wes and Tyis

So Tyis and I were at Simpson moving in and we were finally settled and had managed to squeeze in all our stuff into a cramped room and we were using this weird thing as our desks. That weird thing turned out to be Wes' bed, as he showed up later than we did and we didn't know he was going to be our roommate. We unfolded this two-part weird thing into Wes' bed, and I was so frustrated that I went outside to run.

I spent like 3 days running, and one of those days it rained so the course was all wet. My final day, I was bleeding and bruised but almost done with my final lap. Wes came out and told me to just stop because I was running for so long that I was damaging my body, but I didn't listen, so I then passed out.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Store Visit

i dreamed that we were visited at work by john lusk our regional manager. Now ive heard that he is a tough man to please, but i never could imagine someone like order to please him i was not only running the register, but running the tech center in the back of the store as well. In the end he said that i had been doing such a good job that i was the new tech. He said i would do nothing but worrk back there for the next 3 months until i was able to hire i full time tech who could take over.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grace School of Base Jumping

i was taking classes at grace, and it was the final day so we were wrapping things up with finals. we were in an odd building, that was pretty tall probably 30 stories and was covered in candy bar advertisements. we finished the test, and i though we were done, however my teacher pulled out a math test andgave it to everyone. I hadent dont math in a very loing time it seemed and could not answer the easiest of questions. i started to get mad because my whole quarter grade was about to be based on a math test even though the class had been on theology.. After the test was over we went downstairs into a big gym. the floor was made of carpet instead of wood. i game of football broke out and i was wide receiver. matt brown was covering me, and i was showing everyone how i was faster and better than he was. A student brought in alot of candy to feed us after the test most of which mathced the logos which were on the side of the building. Don a fellow student in my class, decided to show his appreciation to the teachers by pulling out his paracutes and giving base jumping lessons off the building, which happened to be stading next to a large body of water. He jumped quite a few times, and asked if anyone else would like to try. Jennelle and i were the only ones who agreed. we wading around in the water to find a good place to land, we wanted it to be deep enough just incase something bad ahppened. Jennelle ended up jumping first and everything went fine. I chickened out...

shoe customer

there was a guy who came into work asking for boots, i told him we only had one pair left and took him in the back to show him. he worked at another sports authority so i tried to get him with the game we alwats play. he laughed at me kind of weird, then asked me to put the shoes on hold for him untill tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

dont really know..

just remembered something about being in a pit hanging out with spock and flying jet planes... i have no idea what that one was about...

Ax Murderer

i was dreaming that i was sitting my room with jennelle trying to decide what to do for the day wheni suddenly go the idea that an ax murder was coming down the hallway.i looked up to see a man going into the bathroom. i quickley googled ax murder and his picture popped up. i knew that i had been chased by him beofre so i ran down the street looking for a place to hide. i went to the nunez door in order that i might hide there, however they would not let me in. At this poin i have a false awakening where i decide that i need to write the dream down. Grant and i go to target and sit down in front. for some reason i get the idea that i need papeer to write the dream down and the only place to find it is on top of mt diablo. So i sit and wait there for some to blow down to me because i didnt want to climb up the mountain. A lady walked up and offered me gum while i waited, but i said no i have my own. and proceeded tp put some gum in my mouth.

milk club

Last night i was dreaming that i was at a club which served nothing but milk. It was my first time being at a club, so i tried and take in the full experience, including the singing and dancing and everything. There was also a string song going on in the background the whole time..

